Trinity advises European DFIs on two important agricultural transactions in emerging markets

Published: 22/12/15

DRC – Sustainable Palm Oil 

Trinity is pleased to confirm that it has advised a syndicate of four Development Finance Institutions (‘DFIs‘) in respect of a US$49 million facility for the rehabilitation of certain plantations for sustainable palm oil in the Democratic Republic of Congo (“DRC“).

Trinity advised DEG Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH (‘DEG‘), lead arranger and agent for the syndicate, Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden N.V. (‘FMO’), the Dutch development bank, the Belgian Investment Company for Developing Countries (‘BIO‘), the Belgium Government’s DFI, and the Emerging Africa Infrastructure Fund (‘EAIF‘), a facility of the Private Infrastructure Development Group (collectively the Lenders ) on the financing. The financing allows the DFIs to contribute to the development of poor rural areas through supporting the private sector; an important engine for employment and income in developing nations such as the DRC.

The purpose of the Facility is to finance investment into equipment, replanting, fertiliser and environmental and social governance expenditures required as part of the rehabilitation of PHCs three palm oil plantations in the DRC.

Brazil – sugar cane plantations

Trinity advised PROPARCO, a subsidiary of the French Development Agency in respect of a US$60 million loan to Biosev SA, the second largest processor of sugarcane in the world, in a deal which signed earlier in December 2015. The funds will be used for investments in the areas of planting, cultivation and industrial maintenance.

The contract signing coincided with the COP 21 held in Paris. The funding reflects the commitment of PROPARCO in having a positive impact on the climate. In producing ethanol on a commercial scale as an alternative source to fossil fuels, alongside biomass energy generation, Biosev helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The loan will also support thousands of jobs in rural areas.

Trinity involvement

Trinity is proud to have advised some of the leading European DFIs, including FMO, PROPARCO, DEG, EAIF and BIO on these important transactions in the agricultural sector.

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