Gala / Ulimi Fund deal

Published: 14/10/21

Trinity has advised Gala Agriculture (“Gala“), a macadamia nut producer based in Malawi, on an investment in it by Old Mutual Malawi, via its ULIMI fund. Gala, which grows macadamia nuts on almost 15,000 acres, will use the capital to double the size of its growing operation and processing capacity over the next 5 years, which forms part of a plan to continue developing the business as a state-of-the-art macadamia export business.

George Tselingas, Gala’s founder and Chairman, welcomed the investment saying that it came at an “exciting point of growth for Gala” and that the business looked “…forward to benefiting from their experience in Malawi and across Africa. We believe that Gala will become a pre-eminent macadamia producer in Africa with the potential for a globally recognized retail brand,” he said.

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