Ethiopia- Example transactions

(please note that this is not an exhaustive list – please contact us for more details)

Solar Plants (Ethiopia):
Acting for a confidential bidder in respect of two solar PV plants in Ethiopia, tendered as part of Ethiopia’s Scaling Solar Round II programme.

Wind Power Project (Ethiopia):
Advising the sponsor of a proposed 300MW wind power project in the Somali region of Ethiopia, including drafting and negotiating the power purchase agreement and implementation agreement.

Regional Law (Ethiopia):
Advising the World Bank and the Government of Ethiopia in designing a template regional PPP Law.

Financing for ENYI HOTEL (Ethiopia):
Financing the construction, equipping and furnishing of the Pullman hotel in Addis Ababa.

Geothermal IPPs (Ethiopia):
Representing three separate project companies in relation to the development and financing of a series of geothermal power projects in Ethiopia. We have negotiated all the project’s precedent-setting documentation, which will be used for all future projects of a similar nature in the country.

Solar IPP (Ethiopia):
Representing the project company in relation to the development of a solar IPP in Ethiopia.

Wind Farm (Ethiopia):
Representing the project company in relation to the development of a wind IPP in Ethiopia.

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